miercuri, 20 aprilie 2016

Strawberry :)

Strawberry season is upon us. I have posted twice in the past days on my instagram my desserts that included this red and cute berry. My mom joked once that the blackheads I had at that time on my nose made it look like a strawberry. :)) Actually, the tiny bits are the strawberry's seeds!
Yesterday I had them with some white chocolate I will have them soon in some smoothies and definitely need to try my hand again at cheesecakes, where I plan to incorporate them. :3
Today while working out I could just feel then fueling me up with their energy. Yum!! Oh how I love them!

duminică, 10 aprilie 2016

Meditating with crystals

Hi! :) Here are some tips on which crystals to choose for meditating. I started this year, and while I can only do it for around 7-10 minutes, I find using crystals is very beneficial. I also use affirmations to infuse/program them. I sometimes carry my favorite crystals with me. I believe in the power of crystals because they are used in computers too! Let me know in the comments section what are your favorite crystals! Good luck, Yoanna. ♡

sâmbătă, 9 aprilie 2016

Health tips: Apple Cider Vinegar

Today I bought a bottle of unpasteurized, natural apple cider vinegar (ACV). I was walking around my local supermarket, when a bottle caught my eye. I was reticent at first and thought I must research to see if it's a good choice for me. I've seen people recommend it before, but I never really took it seriously. First, I searched if it works for weight loss and then I remembered to search if it's good for my recurrent UTI. Didn't want to take something that made my symptoms worse, as I noticed recently oranges do. Some things I learned:

- take it before or during a meal, preferably 3 times a day;

- "the mother" is what gives it the amber color and it's the sediment that forms at the bottom of the bottle. It's only for the unpasteurized and unfiltered ACV, which makes it a probiotic;

- it contains acetic acid, which is responsible for the taste and smell ACV has. It may help with blood pressure, control blood sugar levels and fat accumulation;

- helps with water retention by replenishing sodium with potassium;

- resets your bladder pH and makes the urine more acidic and also acts as a natural antibiotic. Bacteria causing urinary tract infections makes the urine alkaline and they thrive in it. Citrus fruits,  most vegetables and legumes will keep the urine alkaline. A diet high in meat and cranberry juice will keep it acidic.

Below is a recipe from ToneItUp called the Bombshell Spell. Sounds good. :) xo Yoanna

Information provided from various web searches. I do not own any of the images shown in this blog entry.

#visualporn Styling: texture and colors

Some edits I created using texture/prints and colors I like and I think they really make a statement when used in styling. Enjoy & please let me know what you think! :)